I hope you find yourself well. 2020 and 2021 have been rough years; we haven’t seen anything like this since the Spanish flu of 1918. I know, it seems that every generation loves to say that their time period is the most special. It’s natural since all human beings love to think their life is the spotlight. Nonetheless, the 21st century has produced so many question marks, arguably the most question marks that we have had in human history. Novel tools, ideas and technology are popping up by the year and this time period is also the first time we’ve had a technological age end so soon. The Information Age is over. We are now in the Experience Age. The bottom line: Things are moving fast. Almost every societal structure built is being pulled into question. This begs the need for solutions and confronting histories that are painful to acknowledge/work past. 


  • A big part of this project/movement is to empower individuals with information, with a primary focus on people groups with ancestry from West-Central Africa.
  • You will get a big picture view of how globalization came to pass through the interactions of specific regions of Europe, Asia and “black” Atlantic Africa.
  • It will also give you a framework as to how we got here today in the Americas aka the New World. We plan to expand and interconnect other areas, but our main focus will be regions of Africa first. Especially Atlantic Africa.
  • Why is that necessary? 40% of the world will be in Sub Saharan Africa and the majority of governments there have no infrastructure to deal with the population boom and the ever-shifting changes. The world depended on the labor of an estimated 21 million Sub-Saharan Africans from both the Sahara and the Atlantic and again, Africa will have a big part to play in the next century to come.